Published Dec 4, 2019


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Verónica Andrea Alvarez Tobón

Juan Guillermo Barrientos Gómez, MD

Maria camila Ocampo Yepes, Coinvestigadora

Maria Alejandra Palacio Velasquez, Coinvestigadora

María Paula Arenas Sierra, Coinvestigadora



Introduction: Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is an alternative neonatal care strategy to preterm newborn and/or low birth weight. It is an ambulatory method which skin-to-skin contact between caregiver and newborn and the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding are essential to improve the quality life to this population. Objective: To determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the population belonging to the Kangaroo Family Program in a highly complex hospital of Medellin-Antioquia city during 2015 to 2016. Methodology: Descriptive and retrospective study that included preterm newborn and low birth weight patients belonging to kangaroo family program between 2015 to 2016.  It was excluded patients with congenital diseases and whose mothers could not breastfeed due to death or any condition that incapacitates them for it. Results: An average age of 26 years was found in the maternal age, 47% were housewives; The most common disease during pregnancy was preeclampsia. The great majority of kangaroo babies were male (51,1%), with an average birth weight of 2195g; 60% of children had exclusive breastfeeding for the beginning program and a less broad percentage of 34% supplemented their lactation with milk formula

Conclusions: The population belonging to the kangaroo family program showed sociodemographic characteristics like those reported in other studies; however, the clinical variables present differences that will serve as support to create specific public health strategies to the needs of these population.

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How to Cite
Alvarez Tobón, V. A., Barrientos Gómez, J. G., Ocampo Yepes, M. camila, Palacio Velasquez, M. A., & Arenas Sierra, M. P. (2019). Characterization of the Kangaroo Family Program. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 21(2).
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