Published Jul 22, 2020


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Julia Lizeth Villarreal Mata

Edna Idalia Paulina Navarro Oliva

Gerardo Enrique Muñoz Maldonado

Linda Azucena Rodríguez Puente

Luis Arturo Pacheco Pérez



Introduction: The evaluation of emotional intelligence (EI) is of particular interest for professionals in various fields of health and education. Objective: To identify the state of the art of research on EI skills and the possible relationships with drug use in adults. Method: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) was used as a guide. First, the research question was defined to provide an answer for the objective; then, the selection criteria were established; and, finally, articles for the period 2007-2018 were found through a search in the Pub Med, Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, and OVID databases. Studies were then assessed and analyzed using EndNote and subsequently summarized to extract their corresponding theses. Results: A total 1,172 articles were identified across databases, out of which 15 studies were chosen and from these only 3 met the eligibility criteria and methodological quality. The sample shows that a lower EI leads to a more intense and frequent consumption of illegal substances, thus leading to greater difficulties in emotional management and regulation. Conclusions: Research on EI and addictions is relatively new, and more studies are needed to understand this relationship in greater detail.


inteligencia emocional, emociones, drogas ilícitasemotional intelligence, emotions, illicit drugs.inteligência emocional; emoções; drogas ilegais

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How to Cite
Villarreal Mata, J. L., Navarro Oliva, E. I. P., Muñoz Maldonado, G. E., Rodríguez Puente, L. A., & Pacheco Pérez, L. A. (2020). Emotional intelligence skills in relation to illicit drug use in adults: a systematic review. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
Articles of Integrative or Systematic Review