Published Jun 29, 2020


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Diana Yiseth Molano Barrera

Renata Virginia González Consuegra



Introduction. The person with heart failure faces biopsychosocial changes that impair their quality of life. It is necessary to know the relationship between self-care and quality of life, which can guide the nursing professional in the design of effective interventions. Objective. To determine the relationship between the capacity of self-care agency and health-related quality of life in people with heart failure who are treated in the multidisciplinary program of heart failure in a fourth level health institution in Bogotá, Colombia. Method. Descriptive study correlational, cross-sectional, made between May and August 2018; using the Appraisal of Self-care agency Scale Instruments and the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire; the sample corresponded to 107 patients, of legal age, with stage C and D heart failure. Results. The capacity of self-care agency was in high category with 63.55% and very high with 34.57%; the health-related quality of life was preserved, with an overall score of 73.33; the relationship between the two variables, according to the Spearman correlation coefficient, was 0.316 with a value p = 0.002, a weak but significant relationship. Conclusions. There is a relationship between the variables of interest, which is reaffirmed with the significant correlations identified between the dimensions that comprise them. These findings highlight the relevance of addressing, in the interventions, issues that strengthen the capacity of self-care agency, contributing to improve the quality of life of these people.


qualidade de vida, insuficiência cardíaca , AutocuidadoSelf-care, quality of life, heart failureAutocuidado, calidad de vida, insuficiencia cardiaca

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How to Cite
Molano Barrera, D. Y., & González Consuegra, R. V. . (2020). Relationship capacity of self-care agency and quality of life in people with heart failure. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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