Published Dec 30, 2020


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Yury Marcela Arenas Cárdenasa



Introduction: The father’s participation in labor includes a series of decisions to act freely according to her experience during birth. Thus the presence and preparation of the parents during the event is necessary for the well-being of the dyad; for this reason, the research aims to conceptually expand the information needs that parents require for their participation in the delivery process. Materials and Methods: Qualitative descriptive, interpretive study under the technique of directed content analysis. In-depth interviews were conducted with 30 participants. In the process of analysis, coding and categorization of the information, they were carried out with the support of Atlas Ti. Version 6.2. Results and Conclusions: The results conceptually expanded the parents' information needs, which were described and grouped into three categories previously established by the literature: Information as a need for accompaniment, information as a need to express feelings, a “trained” coach for the Birth. Parents manifest various feelings that generally intensify with the progress of labor, this study shows that among them uncertainty and fear are eventually caused by lack of information and ignorance. The meaning of the information is directly related to the role they can play within the delivery room, which allows them to interpret and understand the process that the woman goes through, consequently, unfold with confidence while giving birth.


Conducta paterna, parto obstétrico, salas de parto, información, educaciónComportamento paterno, parto obstétrico, salas de parto, informação, educaçãoPaternal behavior, delivery, obstetric, delivery rooms, information, education

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How to Cite
Arenas Cárdenasa, Y. M. (2020). Needs of information of dads for participation in the birth. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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