Published Sep 13, 2021


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Mauricio Andres Arango Ossa

Claudia Patricia Henao López

Luis Mauricio Rivera Gallego

Juliana Piedrahita Maya

Andrea Agudelo Gómez



Introduction: Nursing professionals are the caregivers who provide most of the direct care that patients receive. Understanding what patients perceive as caring behaviors is essential to tailor nursing complications to meet the patient's needs. Objective: To describe the perception of nursing care behaviors that nursing professionals have in a highly complex university clinic in the city of Medellín (Colombia). Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Nursing professionals who work at the institution in 2018 are included. This is an instrument that measures the perception of care provided, which is called: Assessment of care behaviors provided by nursing (ECCOE). Results: Of the 81 nursing professionals who participated in the study, the perception of care provided by nursing had an overall assessment of 89.4%. In the relation of the calculated means obtained in each subscales, higher averages were found for Support / protection / environment 92.3%, assistance in human needs 92.0%, humanism / Faith / hope / sensitivity 91.8%, and lower averages in Existential / Phenomenological / Spiritual Forces 88.6% Help / Confidence 86.5%, Expression of positive / negative feelings 85.5%, Teaching / Learning 84.7%. Conclusion: Professionals perceive care behaviors in a positive way; It was possible to establish aspects such as helping the patient set goals for his health, configure how to achieve them and not abandon or walk away when he is sad. The findings help guide care behaviors to adapt nursing complications and meet the needs of the patient. Descriptors: perception, nursing care, care behaviors, patients.

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How to Cite
Arango Ossa, M. A., Henao López, C. P. ., Rivera Gallego, L. M., Piedrahita Maya, J. ., & Agudelo Gómez, A. . (2021). Evaluación de los comportamientos de cuidado otorgados a partir de la percepción del profesional de enfermería. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 23.
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