Published Jan 19, 2023


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Ismael Morales Ojeda

Jefferson Carlos de Faria Soares

Diêgo Magalhães Barbosa



Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated to a functional compromise in a variety of areas in academic, professional and social life. The causes of this disorder are attributed to genetic, biologic and environmental factors.

Objective: To evaluate the clinical response to methylphenidate treatment in children with ADHD with and without epileptiform activity through the Conners Teacher Assessment.

Methods: Prospective, analytical study involving two cohorts of children diagnosed with ADHD, separated into groups for those with or without epileptiform activity, evaluated with the Conners Teacher Assessment applied at the beginning, after six months and after a year of the methylphenidate treatment.

Results: The presence of epileptiform activity on electroencephalogram (EEG) shows no relation to either the variable of hyperactivity (p=0.804) or sex (p=0.077).When comparing children with and without epileptiform activity with the Conners Teacher Assesment at the starting, 6-month and year-long periods of time, statistically significant results could be noted on all compared groups.

Discussion and conclusions: The methylphenidate treatment reduced the effects of ADHD through the year-long period of treatment, both in children with and without epileptiform activity. The most notable decrease in the Conners Teacher Assessment’s score appeared during the initial-to-six-month treatment period in children without epileptiform activity. As such, the presence of epileptiform activity reduced the effectiveness of the treatment.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Epilepsy, MethylphenidateDesorden Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, Epilepsia, Metilfenidato

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How to Cite
Morales Ojeda, I., de Faria Soares, J. C., & Magalhães Barbosa, D. (2023). Clinical response to treatment of attention-deficit disorder in children with and without epileptiform activity. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 25.
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