Published Jan 11, 2013

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Fabiola Castellanos Soriano

Alba Lucero López



Religion is an important dimension within the lives of older people. It has been found in many studies that people with religious beliefs and practices face in a better way the stressful situations that aging brings, they also enjoy a better physical and mental health and live longer than non-practicing people. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings about the religious practices in a group of seniors in situation of disability and poverty, and its impact on health care. A qualitative approximation (ethnographic) was proposed. 36 senior citizens - in situation of disability, living in the poorer areas of the city of Bogotá - were part of this research. We identified a cultural pattern and two categories that showed the religious practices of the collaborators. Intrinsic religious practices, such as the private prayer and the reading of holy books, were the most used by this group. The adherence to a religion helps people to take care of their lives and health, despite the difficulties of the context. Similarly, the social support networks are maximized through the practice of religious activities, such as the visits of religious groups.

How to Cite
Soriano, F. C., & López, A. L. (2013). Religious Practices in a Group of Older People with Disabilities and Poverty. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 14(2), 51–61. Retrieved from
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