Published May 15, 2013

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Beatriz Eugenia Sánchez Mojica



Medellín is one of the main destinations for Colombian idp s. People expelled from all over the country, seek the big city to remain anonymous as a way to ensure security and find job opportunities. But displaced people not only arrive to Medellín. This city also produces the highest number of forced exiles in Colombia and an important number of these people remain within its boundary. Intra urban displaced people share problems with those internal exiles that travel longer distances in the search of haven. Both were violently expelled from their homes, had lost belongings and social ties. Also, despite the complex Colombian idp policy, both face lack of protection. But, additionally, those who remain in their home city usually face recognition problems. Authorities deny the idp status, owing to the short distance between their former and their current home. As a consequence, they cannot access relief and protection programs. This paper analyzes intra urban displacement in Medellín and the response given by national and local authorities.


Desplazamiento forzado, migración interna, desplazados por la violencia, Medellín, ColombiaDesplazados internos, desplazamiento intra-urbano, migraciones involuntarias causadas por los paramilitares, desplazamiento interno causado por las pandillasForced migration, migration-internal, displaced by the violence, Medellín, Colombia, Internal displaced persons, intraurban displacement, involuntary outflows caused by paramilitaries, internal displacement caused by gangs, protection to displaced persons

How to Cite
Sánchez Mojica, B. E. (2013). A City Torn Apart: Forced Displacement in Medellín, Colombia. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 11(22), 179–210. Retrieved from