Published Oct 15, 2009

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Héctor Mauricio Medina Casas



This article discusses the study of the parties into ICSID arbitration, in the first place, investors and states as the disputing parties in arbitrations on investment and, secondly, the called Amici Curiae, who act as third parties within these procedures. The author analyzes conditions to be met by each one of these individuals in order to access into ICSID jurisdiction, and through review of existing arbitral decisions on the matter, not always coincide and uniform, identifies major trends that courts follow today.


Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones –CIADI–, derecho comercial internacional, inversiones extranjeras, recurso contencioso administrativoInternational Trade Law, Foreign Investments, Judicial Review of Administrative Acts, ICSID, Amicus Curiae, Control, Effective Nationality, Foreign Investor, State

How to Cite
Medina Casas, H. M. (2009). PARTIES IN ICSID ARBITRATION. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 7(15). Retrieved from