Published Jun 30, 2008

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Juanita María López Patrón



This document pretends to demonstrate that even though the Inter-American Human Rights System offers the guaranties, instruments and mechanisms to effectively protect the labor rights, in the sentences of the Inter-American Court and in the annual reports of the Inter-American Commission is patent that they give just a tangential treatment to this rights. By this means, is proposed that the defense of the indivisibility of Human Rights is the only way to ensure a real protection of economic, social and cultural rights.


Derechos laborales, derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, indivisibilidad de los derechos humanoslabor rights, economic, social and cultural rights, Inter-american Human Rights System, indivisibility of human rights

How to Cite
López Patrón, J. M. (2008). THE LABOR RIGHTS IN THE INTER-AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS SYSTEM: THE PROTECTION OF THE ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 6(12). Retrieved from