Published Oct 15, 2005

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Oscar Guardiola Rivera



The following article is the second published report on my ongoing research on the transformation of the global public sphere in relation to terrorism. This research is part of a project seeking to understand the cartography of terrorism and the public global sphere. This time I consider the case of Great Britain between 2000 and the present. The tone of my approach will be respectful but critical. I will refer to the state of exception as the state of our situation. I will proceed by deconstructing several section of the 2000 Act, highlighting the risks in relation to behaviour and habits that we find mostly in popular culture, that is, in the global sphere at large. Then I will refer in similar manner to the 2001 Act and talk a little bit  about at the situation in HMP Belmarsh, one of the prisons being used in the enforcement of anti-terrorist legislation. The article ends with a consideration of the rationale behind these and other related measures affecting the global public sphere.


terrorism, global public sphere, state of exception, popular global cultureterrorismo, esfera global pública, estado de excepción, cultura global popular

How to Cite
Guardiola Rivera, O. (2005). ON TERRORISTS, ZOMBIES & BIKINIS: A Study on Police Measures, State Security & Terrorism. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 3(6). Retrieved from