Published Dec 14, 2017


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Luis Freddy Muñoz-Sanabria, PhD

Julio Ariel Hurtado-Alegría, PhD

Francisco Javier Álvarez-Rodríguez, PhD



Introduction: This work proposes Agile Architecture in Action (AGATA), a software process framework that scales Agile methods to larger teams. Methodology: following a human interface model, several Extreme Programming (XP) development teams work together around a central team that takes advantage of the ability of architectural methods to define the solution at the architectural level, improving communication and maintaining Agile parameters. Results: AGATA was applied in a development project, involving software engineers and final year software engineering students, organized as a postgraduate practical course. In this case study we measured communication based in the architecture and face-to-face channels, taking into account the degree of distortion and quality of the channels. The main results show that communication levels in the whole team are reasonable and that the channels proposed by AGATA maintain Agile parameters as to intergroup relationship and client deliveries. There are reports indicating scaling problems as teams grow; particularly, communication worsens. Conclusion: It is necessary to propose clear channels of communication. AGATA practices managed to maintain Agile elements with a large team. 


software architecture, scaling, agile methods, software processArquitectura de software, escala, métodos ágiles, procesos de software

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How to Cite
Muñoz-Sanabria, L. F., Hurtado-Alegría, J. A., & Álvarez-Rodríguez, F. J. (2017). Agile architecture in action (AGATA). Ingenieria Y Universidad, 22(1), 33–51.
Industrial and systems engineering