Published Nov 2, 2020

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Alexander Caneva-Rincón

Elkin de Jesús Salcedo-Hurtado

René Van-Hissenhoven

Andrés José Alfaro-Castillo



In this paper the results of the seismic regional hazard analysis for Bogotá and their influence in the local seismic hazard for the Javeriana University Campus are presented. The research includes update of seismological data and the analysis of the state-of-the-art of the seismological database. This includes 34920 seismic records; after a depuration process, only 7539 events were useful, which were used to estimate the maximum probable magnitude and peak ground acceleration likely to occur in a 475 year interval. The results were obtained from the analysis of representative magnitude Mmin, from the database completeness, from regional b-value estimation, from seismic sources analysis and from the attenuation of peak ground acceleration.


regional seismicity, representative magnitude, seismic sources, Bogotásismicidad regional, magnitud representativa, fuentes sismogénicas, Bogotá

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How to Cite
Caneva-Rincón, A., Salcedo-Hurtado, E. de J., Van-Hissenhoven, R., & Alfaro-Castillo, A. J. (2020). Estudio de sismicidad regional para el análisis de la amenaza sísmica de Bogotá. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 8(1). Retrieved from

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