Published Apr 8, 2014


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Sandra Carolina Pulido Chaparro


The following paper comes from an ethnographic work in the National Museum of Colombia, and it aims to analyze the objects exhibited in its halls and the store in order to understand the connection between patrimony and consumption. In this sense, the representation of the National Museum consolidates in the creation of a national identity based on the official history of the national heroes and their descendants, which is expressed in most of the objects displayed in the exhibit halls. On the other hand, another narrative guided by the neoliberal economy is constructed in the museum store. It takes afro, indigenous and rural representations that have been marginalized in most of the museum halls, strenghtened by the ethnic economy and promoted by tourism and advertising. This duality leads the museum visitors to consume both representations: the ones built by the State as well as the ones positioned by companies and multinationals.

Museo Nacional, objetos de las salas de exposición, tienda, souvenires, patrimonio, consumoMuseu Nacional, objetos das salas de exposição, loja, souvenires, patrimônio, consumoNational Museum, objects in exhibit halls, store, souvenirs, patrimony, consumption

How to Cite
Pulido Chaparro, S. C. (2014). From Patrimonial Relics to Materialized Memories in the National Museum. Memoria Y Sociedad, 19(38).