Published Sep 15, 2015


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Flor Edilma Osorio Pérez


What are the connections that articulate paramilitarism with oil palm cultivation? This is the question that guides this text, which is the result of a documentary research on the dispossession found in several rural areas of the country. However, this reality is sometimes difficult to prove because of the conditions of impunity, corruption and war-continuity. For doing this, the study focused on two regions of the country: the Orinoquia, with emphasis on the departments of Meta and Casanare, and Choco. The investigation identified stages and cycles of paramilitary intervention with severe impacts on the preservation of human rights, producing –among others– dispossession and communities exile. Moreover, these circumstances are crossed with legalized economic dynamics, such as oil palm projects and other strategies to dominate and plunder rural people, especially peasants and people of African descent.

oil palm cultivation, paramilitarism, banishment, plunder, armed conflictpalmicultura, paramilitarismo, destierro, despojo, conflicto armadopalmicultura, paramilitarismo, desterro, espoliação, conflito armado

How to Cite
Osorio Pérez, F. E. (2015). Weaves between Paramilitary Groups and Oil Palm Cultivation in Colombia. Memoria Y Sociedad, 19(39), 11–28.