Some considerations concerning the black African rhythmic narrative
This work brings into focus black African rhythms, and, in particular, underlines the basic importance of African concepts of reality and of different aspects of life and culture as logic. The paper also centers on the complex and always creative interplay of elements in order to treat it as a wide-reaching historical narrative and to identify it in certain examples of River Plate musical rhythms.
African rhythm, black and African narratives, African Philosophy, Candombe, Tango, Rio de La Plata history, Argentina history, Cultural African diasporaRitmos africanos, narrativas negras y africanas, filosofía africana, Candombe, Tango, Historia del Río de la Plata, Historia de Argentina, Diaspora africana y cultura
How to Cite
Picotti C., D. V. (2014). Some considerations concerning the black African rhythmic narrative. Memoria Y Sociedad, 7(15), 145–165. Retrieved from