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Adriane Vidal Costa


This article intends to understand the roots of the compromise of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. To do so, we analyze its politic behavior and its speech in the context of its relation with the communism, the antifascism, The Civil War in Spain and the Soviet Union. We reflect on its taking of position in favor of the communism, the revolution and its relation with the communist politic culture, considering its contradictions and changes of opinion.Lastly, we emphasize how the poetic word, in Neruda’s case, served as an instrument of combat and politic action.


Pablo Neruda, Engaged intellectual, Communist politic culture, Communism and intellectualsPablo Neruda, intelectual comprometido, cultura política comunista, comunismo e intelectuales

How to Cite
Vidal Costa, A. (2014). Pablo Neruda: A compromised poet. Memoria Y Sociedad, 11(23), 7–26. Retrieved from