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Amiel Ernenek Mejía Lara

Mariana da Costa Aguiar Petroni


The purpose of this paper is to bring together the perspectives of anthropology, photography and the subject being photographed, as a theoretical contribution and a methodological invitation, with the scope of understanding how we anthropologists understands the other, how the other perceives that understanding, how we are observed by the other, and how we perceive its understanding of us. Based on Roy Wagner’s contributions, the act of photography is presented as a moment of invention, that is, as the moment in which the contexts that are captured and made objective in the image extend. Two photographic exhibitions will thus be analysed, based on such contributions. They were carried out in the town of Alfajayucán, Hidalgo (Mexico), within the ñähñu indigenous communities in El Espíritu and San Antonio Corrales, during the months of May and June 2008, respectively. And they focus on the experiences resulting from a project on the view of the photographer-anthropologist and that of the ñähñu participants, during an anthropological investigation on cosmovision and ritual specialists.

Fotografía, ñähñu, exposición fotográfica, extensión, ritualesPhotography, Ñähñu, Photographic Exhibition, Extension, Rituals

How to Cite
Mejía Lara, A. E., & Aguiar Petroni, M. da C. (2014). Shared Views. The Anthropological Experience of a Photographic Exhibition. Memoria Y Sociedad, 17(34), 69–79. Retrieved from