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Graciela Rubio


The research gets into to the studies of historical memory by performing a hermeneutic analysis of the discourse of memory and history narratives that the Chilean public discussion has used to develop its dictatorial recent past in the period 1991-2004. Press sources, editorial inserts, interviews with the social and political actors and specially Truth and Reconciliation Reports were reviewed. We reflect on the current oligarchic long and short term frames made for the representation of the public sphere and the citizenship, emphasizing the impossibility of forgiveness as a restorative category of the political community.It consolidates the symbolic weakness of the recovered democracyin recent Chilean history.

Pasado reciente, Memoria histórica, Ciudadanía, Derechos humanosRecent past, Historical memory, Citizenship, Human rights

How to Cite
Rubio, G. (2014). Memory, Citizenship and the Public Sphere in the Development of the Recent Past in the Chilean Experience. Memoria Y Sociedad, 17(35), 164–183. Retrieved from