Published Jun 1, 2014

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Marco Antonio Macana

Andrés Mauricio Valdivieso


This paper examines the role of Germany as a keyplayer in the regional cooperation framework forthe implementation of the Justice and Peace Lawand, in general, on the peace process in Colombia.Therefore, it starts with the description ofthe guiding principles of German foreign policy.Also, an outline of the main cooperation programsthat have been created and implementedin Colombia from transition experiences of Naziand Communist dictatorships towards peace anddemocracy is made. Finally, it concludes that Germany, according to its foreign policy, encouragesa negotiated solution to the armed conflictand in that sense has been consolidating cooperationprojects and support for Colombia, whichhave become transcendental tools not only forthe implementation of the Justice and PeaceLaw, but also to build a lasting peace scenario.

justicia transicional, cooperación, conflicto armado, paztransitional justice, cooperation, armed conflict, peace

How to Cite
Macana, M. A., & Valdivieso, A. M. (2014). The Role of Germany in the Framework of the Bilateral Cooperation on Justice and Peace Process in Colombia. Papel Político, 19(1), 149–179. Retrieved from
International Relations