Published Jul 1, 2015


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Miguel Gomis Balestreri


Nowadays public policies are insufficiently ambitiousin order to reverse the environmental damage generated by man. Most of the literature that analyses policy changes tends to explain the incentives but do not give clear explanations about the limitation factors. We develop in this paper a reflection on policy change from the notion of transaction costs. Following a review of the three main approaches –sustainable development, ecological modernization and democratization– we expose ten theses on the role of transaction costs in the policy change from the case of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union.

policy change, cambio de políticas, política medioambiental, costes de transacción, complejidad, pesca, Unión Europeapolicy change, environmental policy, transaction costs, complexity, fisheries, European Union

How to Cite
Gomis Balestreri, M. (2015). Ten theses on the discontinuous political change in environmental public policy from transaction costs and complexity of formulation in the case of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union. Papel Político, 19(2), 601.
International Relations