Published Jan 18, 2016


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Roberto García Alonso

Diego Dávila Benavides



The present research examined the question about whether the Colombian democracy is or not to be consolidated from the attitudinal point of view. This article examines different attitudes toward democracy in Colombia during the last fifteen years. In order to this, we present three concepts: legitimacy, political discontent and political disaffection and we selected some indicators to differentiate these three dimensions of attitudinal consolidation. These dimensions raise a number of distinctions that literature does not usually consider. We analyze the evolution across a long period of time since the constitutional moment in 1991. Finally we  propose a methodology that allows to specify the degree of interaction between these attitudes and their influence or not over the legitimacy of the Colombian political system.


Legitimación, Desafección Política, Sistema Político, Consolidación actitudinalLegitimacy, disaffection Policy, Political System, attitudinal Consolidation

How to Cite
García Alonso, R., & Dávila Benavides, D. (2016). Is Colombian democracy consolidated ? Assumptions , analysis and methodological proposal. Papel Político, 20(2).
Political Science