Published Jan 22, 2021


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Iratxe Perea Ozerin



The e article addresses the building of Transnational Social Movements (TSM) in regional settings, with a focus on the Latin American and Caribbean feminist activism in the context of the struggle against neoliberal globalization since the 1980s. A regional approach of TSMs is relevant because even though these actors are shaped by global collective identities and repertoires, they are also rooted in specific local, national, and regional conditions. Socio-historic conditions in a region lead to collective identities that shape regional TSMs and have an impact, at the same time, on the articulation of global TSMs and on the dynamics of global contestation. Indeed, these regionally articulated transnational identities and repertoires are then transmitted to the global TSMs. The article analyses the Latin American Transnational Feminist Movement (TFM) and, in light of this case study, discusses the process of movement building in the feminist struggle against austerity in Europe aer the crisis of 2008. It looks at the formation of feminist collective identities and the organisation of transnational spaces that might lead to the emergence of a European TFM with the capacity to perform in the international arena as a unitary actor.

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How to Cite
Perea Ozerin, I. (2021). Transnational Feminist Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean. Contributions for the Study of European Activism. Papel Político, 25.
Dossier de América Latina, editado por: Iratxe Perea Ozerin, U. del País Vasco