Published Dec 1, 2013

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Jennifer Duarte García


The rise of Colombian’s relative power capacities and the perception of a national government in search of activating the country’s participation in the international scene, allows to confirm what many analysts have called as a spin in the Colombian foreign policy. The pursuit of privileging dialog over ideological confrontation, to brake with the traditional position of bandwagoning with the United States, the separation of the foreign policy from internal affairs, specially in the subject of war against the guerrillas, the recomposition of relations with neighboring countries and the country’s return to the Latin American region, are some of the elements that confirm such spin. The foreign policy of Colombia towards the European Union has not been indifferent to this new viewpoint, although some continuities can be perceived, the truth is that the country is aiming for the mutual interest elements to be the ones that lead to a strengthening between the parts. That is how, taking into account the critical moment that the European bloc is going through in economical and financial terms and the country’s good mining environment, Colombia mainly focuses, in the commercial bond and investment impetus.

Foreign Policy, Colombia, European Union, Neoclassical Realism, Constructivism, Free Trade Agreetment.Política exterior, Colombia, Unión Europea, realismo neoclásico, constructivismo, Tratado de Libre Comercio, cooperación al desarrollo.

How to Cite
Duarte García, J. (2013). The EU within the Colombian foreign policy Sspin. Papel Político, 17(2), 679–706. Retrieved from
International Relations