Editorial Process
The editorial process consists of several steps:
1. Receipt and editorial review of articles to ensure they meet the requirements outlined in the AuthorGuidelines.
2. Presentation to the Editorial Committee of submitted materials that meet the requirements withsufficient quality, according to the criteria expressed in the Peer Review Process.
3. Editorial materials are sent to peer reviewers approved by the Editorial Committee. All contributionsundergo double-blind peer review, meaning both authors and reviewers remain anonymous.
4. Authors are informed of the evaluation results, which can fall into three categories: a) article approvedfor publication without or with minimal revisions; b) article approved for publication withmodifications; c) article not approved for publication. * The journal allows authors whose articles werenot approved to resubmit their corrected materials.
5. Corrected materials are sent to Editorial Javeriana for the creation of a draft. Editorial Javeriana mayreject the material or perform a style review. Editorial Javeriana returns the coded document, indicatingmodifications and comments. The author responds to the comments and accepts the changes.
6. Editorial Javeriana formats the document and sends it to Papel Político as a PDF with DOI codes and keywords.
7. Publication of the issue.
Authors are informed of the progress of the process at all stages.
Any textual or graphic contribution that has been accepted will adhere to current Copyright rules. If accepted, the author(s) must complete, sign, and return the official usage license form to Papel Político, which will be provided in due time. Every accepted article will undergo an automatic similarity detection test using specificanti-plagiarism software.