Páramo, Pablo, Marithza Sandoval-Escobar, Adriana Jakovcevic, Julian Ferreiro, Alba Mustaca, Alexa Jengich, José Brenes, Patricia Ortega-Andeane, Fabiola Vivas, Oscar Moros, Carmen Méndez, Carlota Pasquali, Marlise Aparecida Bassani, José Anicama Gómez, Betty Castillo, Alfonso Urzúa, y Marianela Denegri. 2015. «Assessment of Environmental Quality, Degree of Optimism, and the Assignment of Responsibility Regarding the State of the Environment in Latin America». Universitas Psychologica 14 (2):605-18. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.upsy14-2.aeqd.