Dossier: Updates on Disability and Dentistry*

Dossier: Actualización en discapacidad y odontología

Dossiê: Atualização em deficiência e odontologia

Ángela Liliana Grandas Ramírez, Norma Patricia Figueroa Fernández, José Luis Ayala Herrera, Sandra Cecilia Delgado Troncoso, Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso

Dossier: Updates on Disability and Dentistry*

Universitas Odontológica, vol. 40, 2021

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Ángela Liliana Grandas Ramírez a

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Norma Patricia Figueroa Fernández

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Mexicali, México

José Luis Ayala Herrera

Universidad de La Salle Bajío, México

Sandra Cecilia Delgado Troncoso

Independiente, Colombia

Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso

University of Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos de América

Abstract: Universitas Odontologica’s volume 40 of 2021 includes 17 articles in the Health Care Management and Professional Issues, Clinical Practice, and Public Health and Oral Epidemiology sections, as well as the thematic dossier Updates in Disability and Dentistry. Topics cover sterilization, operative and multidisciplinary management, oral anatomy, diagnostics, oral pathology, oral medicine, oral epidemiology, oral health and quality of life, dental anthropology, and disability. Countries of origin are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia. With the consolidation of the publication entirely in English language and a rolling-volume frequency the journal aspires to increase its international visibility and impact. In 2022, volume 41 of Universitas Odontologica will be devoted to celebrating its 40th anniversary of foundation.

Keywords:dental anthropology, dental journal, dental research, dentistry, diagnostics, disability, operative and multidisciplinary management, oral anatomy, oral epidemiology, oral medicine, oral pathology, quality of life, sterilization.

Resumen: El volumen 40 de 2021 de Universitas Odontologica incluye 17 artículos en las secciones Administración en Salud y Asuntos Profesionales, Práctica Clínica, y Salud Pública y Epidemiología Bucal, así como el dossier temático Actualizaciones en Discapacidad y Odontología. Los temas abarcan esterilización, manejo operativo y multidisciplinario, anatomía bucal, diagnóstico, patología bucal, medicina bucal, epidemiología bucal, salud bucal y calidad de vida, antropología odontológica y discapacidad. Los países de origen de los autores son Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, México, Venezuela y Colombia. Con la consolidación de la publicación íntegramente en idioma inglés y una frecuencia de volumen continuo, la revista aspira a aumentar su visibilidad e impacto internacional. En 2022, el volumen 41 de Universitas Odontologica estará dedicado a celebrar su cuadragésimo aniversario de fundación.

Palabras clave: anatomía oral, antropología odontológica, calidad de vida, diagnóstico, discapacidad, epidemiología bucal, esterilización, investigación odontológica, manejo operativo y multidisciplinario, medicina oral, odontología, patología bucal, revista odontológica.

Resumo: O volume 40 de 2021 da Universitas Odontologica inclui 17 artigos nas seções Administração em Saúde e Tópicos Profissionais, Prática Clínica, e Saúde Pública e Epidemiologia Oral, além do dossiê temático Atualizações em Deficiência e Odontologia. Os tópicos incluem esterilização, gestão operatória e multidisciplinar, anatomia oral, diagnóstico, patologia oral, medicina oral, epidemiologia oral, saúde oral e qualidade de vida, antropologia dentária, e deficiência. Os países de origem dos autores são Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Equador, México, Venezuela e Colômbia. Com a consolidação da publicação inteiramente em língua inglesa e uma frequência de volume contínuo, a revista pretende aumentar a sua visibilidade e impacto internacional. Em 2022, o volume 41 da Universitas Odontologica será dedicado a comemorar seu quadragésimo aniversário de fundação.

Palavras-chave: anatomia oral, antropologia odontológica, diagnóstico, epidemiologia oral, esterilização, gestão operacional e multidisciplinar, incapacidade, jornal odontológico, medicina oral, odontologia, patologia oral, pesquisa odontológica, qualidade de vida.

In 2021, Universitas Odontologica published its first volume entirely in English language. The journal continues to receive manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, but translates into English all those articles that pass the peer review process and whose authors use the writing guidance provided by the editorial team. With this bold change we seek to reach audiences beyond the Spanish-speaking world and, giving in to national/international pressures, attract as many citations as possible. Also, this is the second year that we publish articles with a frequency model called a rolling volume, not by issues or numbers. This measure is intended to ease the circulation of content, enhance recognition of the journal and its authors, and boost visibility.

Volume 40 of 2021 includes original research in our regular sections on Health Care Management and Professional Issues (“Verification of the effectiveness of autoclaves through chemical indicators”); Clinical Practice (“Relationship between lower third molars and mandibular alveolar canal through cone beam CT scans,” “Multidisciplinary management of buccally retained maxillary canine with vista technique and orthodontic alternatives. Case-supported scoping review,” “Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, a hidden enemy. An integrative review,” “Cone beam tomography and periapical radiographs for early vertical root fracture diagnosis. Systematic review,” “Incisor-molar hypomineralization phenotype characteristics and comparison with amelogenesis imperfecta: an approach to a differential diagnosis,” “X-linked hypophosphatemia and its impact on hard tissues of the oral cavity an integrative review,” “Types of upper lip frenulum insertion associated with diastema in 8-to-15-year-old children of Mocha Canton, Ecuador,” and “Four-handed technique in dental education: integrative review”); and Public Health and Oral Epidemiology (“Quality of life and oral health in Colombian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,” “Oral health from the perspective of Venezuelan Amazon's Guahibo people,” and “Amelogenesis imperfecta prevalence in a Colombian population: a retrospective study”).

As has been the tradition for more than a decade, Universitas Odontologica published a thematic dossier in this volume, this time on Updates in Disability and Dentistry. It includes five articles that cover topics such as chewing and swallowing in adults with Down syndrome (Sepúlveda, et al.), knowledge and care of caregivers of people with Down syndrome (Madrid, et al.), the perception of quality of life in young people with cleft lip and palate (Rocha, et al.), legal aspects related to patients with disabilities (Figueroa JA), and epidermolysis bullosa (Elías R). On this occasion we have the support of our guest editors: Ángela Grandas from the National University of Colombia-Bogotá, Norma Patricia Figueroa from the Autonomous University of Baja California-Mexicali, and José Luis Ayala from the University of La Salle Bajío-León Guanajuato.

This was the second dossier published by Universitas Odontologica on the subject of disability. The first installment included mainly case descriptions. On this occasion, the dossier focused on systematic and scoping reviews on current conceptual frameworks, types, and management of disability, to contribute with new knowledge and serve as study material and reference for other studies. The field of disability has had evolved greatly from the redefinition and conceptualization to the way it should be assumed in society. Its new dimensions have implications for the provision of health care services in general and in dentistry. Innovative diagnostic and treatment models are also being put into practice, for example, in the interdisciplinary management of patients with special needs. Also, the training of competent generalists and specialists in dental schools and colleges to work with these patients needs to be reviewed.

The authors in volume 40 come from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela, which is exciting, if we consider that the Universitas Odontologica’s mission is to become one of the most important publications of dental research from/about Ibero-Latin America. Regarding our authors in Colombia, this volume includes articles by researchers in the departments/provinces of Antioquia, Bolívar, and the Capital District. Likewise, some of the authors are researchers, teachers, and students of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, since we consider that, although we must abide by external pressures to avoid "inbreeding," Universitas Odontologica continues to be Javeriana’s Dental School’s journal.

We hope that all the articles in this volume are to your liking, that they are useful for your studies and professional practice and, if you publish research in other journals, consider citing Universitas Odontologica. In 2022, we will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of foundation of our dear journal.


* Editorial.

Author notes

Authors’ Note: a Correspondence:;;;;

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How to cite this article: Grandas Ramírez AL, Figueroa Fernández NP, Ayala Herrera JL, Delgado Troncoso SC, Delgado Troncoso JE. Dossier: Updates on Disability and Dentistry. Univ Odontol. 2021; 40.
