Published Dec 2, 2013

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Ximena Jaramillo-Correa

Yanet Mejía-Lancheros


The recent 2008 financial crisis and its effects on the national and international
stock exchange have shown that having appropriate tools to identify and mitigate financial risks involving Securities Market Intermediaries is a priority. This paper offers an empirical estimation of financial risk exposure for Colombian Securities and Exchange Commissions through the Segmentation Model Based on Risk, which can establish a ranking to identify potential financial risks based on the analysis of the elements determined by the formulation of indicators developed in the methodology and calculation stages, which are inherently integrated to supervising parameters established by the national and international market authorities.

Financial Risk, Securities Market, Security Firms, Financial Crisis.riesgo financiero, mercado de valores, sociedades comisionistas de bolsa, crisis financiera.risques financier, bourse des valeurs, sociétés de courtage en bourse, crise financière.

How to Cite
Jaramillo-Correa, X., & Mejía-Lancheros, Y. (2013). A Risk Based Segmentation Model: An Empirical Approach to Securities Brokers in Colombia. Revista De La Maestría En Derecho Económico, 6(6), 317–357. Retrieved from