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Esperanza Buitrago B.

Elizabeth H. de Jaramillo



Conditions jor obtaining adventitious buds jrom shoot tips oj Podocarpus guatemalensis (Standley) cultured in Vitro were stablished. The explants were sur:face sterilized by inmersión in 2.5 per 100 sodium hypochlorite jor jour minutes. The jormation of adventitious buds was stimulated _soaking the shoot tips in 100 mg!L EDTA solution jor 20 minutes befare transjering them on aANA (0.0-0.02rng!L) andBA (2.5 -5.0rng!L) supplemented Gressho.ff and Doy (G.D.) liquid medium The buds were cultured under red light and a photoperiod oj 16 h at 24°C.

Ajter 30 days oj culture, the buds were tranjerred to G.D. medium diluted 1:1, without hormones and supplemented with 5 per 100 glicine, 3 per 1 00 sucrose and 1 per 100 actived charcoal to stimulate the development adventüious bud primordia. Each explant jormed 1 - 1 O adventitious buds.

How to Cite
Buitrago B., E., & H. de Jaramillo, E. (2013). OBTENCION IN VITRO DE YEMAS ADVENTICIAS DE Podocarpus guatemalensis (STANDLEY). Universitas Scientiarum, 1(3), 13–25. Retrieved from
Plant Biology