Published Jul 25, 2022


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Elías Manaced Rey Vásquez



An approximation of the main current academic and scientific debates in relation to video games, constitutes a necessary input to warn of the trends in which the projects that arise to understand this social, cultural and political phenomenon can be registered. This is the problem that constitutes the present study. An emphasis is placed on the academic and investigative production of the last 30 years, as this is the time when the quest to consolidate an academic, interdisciplinary and autonomous field on video game studies (games studies) begins. Three central trends are concluded, from which many other lines of research are derived; namely, the video game problem, the effects of video games and the video game as a cultural expression.


debate, investigación, tendencias, videojuegos, estado de la cuestióndebate, research, tendency, video games, state of the art

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How to Cite
Rey Vásquez, E. M. (2022). An Approach to the Current Debates on the Academic and Research Study of Video Games. Signo Y Pensamiento, 41.