Published Jul 25, 2022


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Giovanni Arturo López Isaza

Martha Judith Correa Vallejo



This research article involving the Luhmannian theoretical lens (third generation systems theory, self-production theory, with its key concept of autopoiesis), in the framework of the general objective that states "to complexify the process of decisions that decide in entrepreneurs the creation and endurance of enterprises", from entrepreneurs' stories, recorded through semi-structured interviews and treated with the qualitative analysis tool NVivo software, distinguished as meta-languages the languages: "future-building", "defiant-tenacity-persistence-insistence" and "permanent irritation as constitutive of state of comfort". The article contributes to the construction of mastery of the theory, to treat it with respect, but also with irreverence, in the sense of exercising a critical thinking, by extracting it after scanning its deep and elevated abstractions, so that at some point a theoretical independence is reached, with possibilities of facing the uncritical importation of theories beyond the borders of Colombia.


Toma de decisiones, Complejidad (filosofía), Teoría de Sistemas, Cibernética-Aspectos sociales, Sociologíadecision making, complexity (philosophy), systems theory, cybernetics (social aspects), sociologytomada de decisão, complexidade (filosofia), teoria dos sistemas, cibernética-aspectos sociais, sociologia

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How to Cite
López Isaza, G. A., & Correa Vallejo, M. J. (2022). Metalanguages in Discourses of Businessmen of the Central-West Metropolitan Area of Colombia. Signo Y Pensamiento, 41.