Published Apr 15, 2009

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Bianca Suárez



This text mainly questions and then portrays the process of building a new Latin American reality based on the incorporation of digital technology and social networks for the creation and distribution of social goods such as tools to generate new possible realities in the continuing search for new models of social, economic, and political development in Latin America.


Latin American aesthetics, Internet, Social networks, Cultural identity, Documentary video, Social videoEstética latinoamericana, Internet, Redes sociales, Identidad cultural, Video documental, Video socialEstética latino-americana, Internet, Redes sociais, Identidade cultural, Vídeo documental, Vídeo social

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How to Cite
Suárez, B. (2009). Social Documentary as a Development Project vis-à-vis the Culture Industries in a Digital Era. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(54), 208–227. Retrieved from