Published Nov 30, 2007

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Alejandro Ángulo, S.J.



The peace process in Colombia becomes stuck again due to the difficulties of starting a dialog and to the deficiencies of juridical tools. But the cause of those faults is a serious ethical crisis. The proliferation of massacres demonstrates a high degree of inhumanity. What N. Bilbeny called moral idiotism: the banalization of evil. A way out of this apparently dead impasse, is here explored through the shortcut of a proposal advanced by John XXIII in his Encyclical Pacem in terris¸accepted also by E Morin in his reflection on ethics. The latter says «Love to live and live to love». The Pope refers to love, to Christ, who left in his last will to his faithful friends the same recommendation.


Paramiltarism, ethics, humanism, love, ecology of actionParamilitarismo, ética, humanismo, amor, ecología de la acción

How to Cite
Ángulo, S.J., A. (2007). Controlling the massacre.: Keys to reconciliation in colombia. Theologica Xaveriana, (164). Retrieved from