Published Aug 29, 2007

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Angie Carolina Torres Ruiz



Theological reflection on the armed conflict in Colombia and the Christian contribution to the construction of justice in this context encounter the need for clarifying the implicit theological challenges and the problem of not disposing of a trodden methodological way to tackle theologically this problem. The recourse to narrative and memory are offered as ways of solution. The faith narrative as source of Christian identity and narrative in general as a possible structure mediating between the horizon of faith and the context open up an investigation field able to contribute to the construction of a narrative knowledge about the conflict. The Jewish-Christian faith memory, as memory of the revelation, memoria passionis and memoria liberationis, garantees the identity of the contribution to justice.


Theology, conflict, narrative, memory, justiceTeología, conflicto, narrativa, memoria, justicia

How to Cite
Torres Ruiz, A. C. (2007). Conflict and justice, an anamnetical-narrative perspective. Theologica Xaveriana, (163). Retrieved from