Published Aug 29, 2007

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Diego Agudelo Grajales



Religion has meaning in present day society in as much as it emerges as a great utopian reserve capable of stimulating in the believers a praxis that contibutes to give meaning to history, starting from liberating human experiences (Habermas, 1984: 33). Christian religion –and the Church with it– has to be missionary and a servant of mankind, since the mission it has received is to proclaim the Gospel and to impregnate history with the Gospel values in order to build in seminal way the Reign of God. For the realization of this project it is necessary that the openness to dialogue, in a new paradigma, enables it to grasp the reality and to act responsably in favor of people most in need, not as abstract beings, but as beings with the faces of the poor and oppressed.


Religion, Christianity, modernity, critique, meaning,, integral liberationReligión, cristianismo, modernidad, crítica, sentido, liberación integral

How to Cite
Agudelo Grajales, D. (2007). Religion between critique and utopia. Present situation of religion. Theologica Xaveriana, (163). Retrieved from