Published Feb 28, 2007

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Jaime Alfonso Mora



Centered in the New Testament, this paper presents a biblical and theological reflection, in order to give a content to the keyword «communion» and to show its impact on exegesis and theology, on ecclesiology, spirituality and pastoral work, on the life and actions of pastoral agents. After an approach to the different meanings of the term «communion» in Latin America and in some documents of the papal Magisterium, the author directs his attention to a syntactical and semantic reflection on the terms «community» and «communion» and on their pragmatic implications. This paper focuses on a theme of great importance for the Church of the present time and its implications in a globalized world, and especially for the Church of the American continent, which, faithful to this inheritance of communion, prepares itself for the 5th General Conference of CELAM.


Communion, community, sharing, spirituality, revelationcomunión, comunidad, compartir, espiritualidad, revelación

How to Cite
Mora, J. A. (2007). Communion: biblical and ecclesial itinerary towards the V Conference. Theologica Xaveriana, (161). Retrieved from