Published Nov 30, 2006

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Ángela Sierra



The reality of marriage is a complex one and at the same time it has to assume other external factors such as context, family of provenance, crises, etc. As a consenquence, to live as a couple needs great amounts of maturity, patience and love. However, the reflexion that this paper intends to institute is precisely how this anthropological unity finds in the sacramental dimension a way of salvation as much for its members as for the whole family. The sacrament has its roots in deep human reality and from there one can comprehend its transcendent horizon. What is being celebrated is life, a life which gains its profound sense when there is faith in Jesus Christ, which makes it possible that a relation of two persons becomes a sign of Trinitarian love in the midst of a community.


couple, unity, conjugality, marriage, sacrament, celebrationpareja, unidad, conyugalidad, matrimonio, sacramento, celebración

How to Cite
Sierra, Ángela. (2006). When the conjugal unit is transforms into a sacrament: About the nature and meaning of marriage. Theologica Xaveriana, (159). Retrieved from