The tragedy of Armero at 20 years old: wheat and tares
The 13th of November of 2005 was the twentieth anniversary of the tragedy of Armero (Colombia), which caused the death of 20.000 people. The author presents a reflection and an interpretation of some relevant problems in the stage of reconstruction and relates them with the human dialectics of authenticity and inauthenticity, progress and decadence, social grace and social sin. This remembrance is an invitation to
conversion and personal and social responsability.
Armero (Colombia), tragedy, authenticity, inauthenticity, progress, decadence, social sin, social grace, conversionArmero, tragedia, autenticidad, inautenticidad, progreso, decadencia, gracia social, pecado social, conversión
How to Cite
NEIRA F., S.J., G. (2006). The tragedy of Armero at 20 years old: wheat and tares. Theologica Xaveriana, (157). Retrieved from