Published Oct 9, 2017


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The article analyzes the Christology of the Gospel of Mark and its relation with the meaning of the death of Christ. We will hold that the meaning of Christ’s death is based on an eschatological inversion according to which the ungodly people do not understand the mysteries of the Kingdom, a knowledge that is paradoxically given to the chosen ones. This inversion is taken from apocalyptic traditions that have been radicalized in the Christology of the evangelist, in several parts of the Gospel, especially in the epistemology present in the tradition of the passion of the Righteous, the Son of Man. The sufferings and death of the Son of Man represent a change in the epistemological status of the suffering of the Righteous and of the place where God reveals himself to man.


Gospel of Mark, Christology, Messianism, Cross, Martyrdom, Death, Biblical EpistemologyEvangelio de Marcos, cristología, mesianismo, cruz, martirio, muerte, epistemología bíblica

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How to Cite
Carbullanca-Núñez, C., & de Souza Nogueira, P. (2017). Christology of the Gospel of Mark. Theologica Xaveriana, 67(184).