Published Jan 22, 2019


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Hanzel José Zúñiga Valerio



Based on a review of the anthropological models of the Context  Group, and advancing towards a critique of the model of “limited goods,” the author argues that the Beatitudes should be understood as proclamations of grace, not of honor; as an expression of joy at unlimited goods, not as aphorisms of reputation and dignity. The mercy enunciated in Mt 5:7, therefore, is an unlimited gift, a grace not framed in the retributive conditions still present in the first Gospel, because this would not correspond to the free vision of the God Abba that Jesus proclaimed. The theological reflection at the end of the article points out this distinction.


Cultural anthropology, limited good, mercy, beatitudes, sociological exegesis, Gospel of MatthewAntropología cultural, bienes limitados, misericordia, bienaventuranzas, exégesis sociológica, Evangelio de Mateo

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How to Cite
Zúñiga Valerio, H. J. (2019). Unlimited Mercy: Review of the Anthropological Model of “Limited Goods” in Mt 5:7. Theologica Xaveriana, 69(187).