Published May 2, 2019


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Juliano Ribeiro Almeida



By taking from Scholasticism the subject of the relation between nature and grace, facing the challenges of our time, Karl Rahner forges the concept of “anonymous Christians”. Such concept, which the theologians of inter-religious dialogue considered outdated decades ago, appears to be relevant nowadays, due to the strengthening of new conservative currents within Catholicism. This article follows Rahner’s journey in order to address the ever renewed paths of divine grace, which seek to save all women and men, both inside and outside the world of religions.


Nature, Grace, Interreligious dialogue, Ecumenism, Karl Rahner, anonymous ChristianityNatureza, graça, diálogo interreligioso, ecumenismo, Karl Rahner, cristianismo anônimo

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How to Cite
Almeida, J. R. (2019). Nature, Grace and Anonymous Christianity in Rahner. Theologica Xaveriana, 69(188).