Published Jun 30, 2020


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Mary Betty Rodríguez-Moreno



The article tries to clarify some of the recent topics that researchers of the Letter to Philemon have proposed. In close dialogue with the socio-cultural studies of the Mediterranean world and the rhetorical analysis of the Letter, we seek to demonstrate how Pauline rhetoric reframes the basic principles of human relationships within the house and the Church, based on the experience lived in Philemon’s house, regarding his slave Onesimus. The Letter probably meant a great novelty for the members of this domestic church, given the sociocultural conditions of its reading scenario.


Teología paulina, Carta a Filemón, esclavitud, relaciones sociales en el Nuevo TestamentoPauline Theology, Letter to Philemon, Slavery, Social Relations in the New Testament

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Moreno, M. B. (2020). Putting the House (οἶκος) in Order: Reframing Relationships in the Letter to Philemon. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.