Published Aug 12, 2020


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Carlos Olivares



Luke’s Golpel presents two events, and Jesus participates in both. In the first one, a blind unnamed beggar asks for help. In the second one, an ἀρχιτελώνης called Zacchaeus intends to see Jesus. There are literary parallels and differences between the two events. These similitudes and contrasts are structured with regard to human senses, spatial contexts and verbal attitudes. An analysis of the narrative and sensory-aesthetic texture allows to pose such concepts, revealing two characters who—in narrative terms—share the fact of meeting the Jesus of Luke..


Evangelio de Lucas, criticismo narrativo, criticismo socio-retórico, textura narrativa, textura sensorial-estéticaThe Gospel of Luke, Narrative Criticism, Socio-Rhetorical Criticism, Narrative Texture, Sensory-Aesthetic Texture

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How to Cite
Olivares, C. (2020). The Nameless Blind and the ἀρχιτελώνης Zacchaeus: An Analysis of the Narrative and Sensory Aesthetic Texture of Luke 18,35-19,10. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.