Published Aug 14, 2020


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José Manuel Fernández-Rodríguez



The Syrian Churches preserve and guard a rich liturgical and sacramental life based on the seven sacraments that they share with the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. However, they do not present or develop all the sacraments as they are practiced in the Latin or Orthodox Church. Many of their sacramental rites are splendid and preceded by an early and long tradition supported by writers and ancient doctors. Although the Syrian sacramental theology has remained in a rather archaic state, this does not prevent it from having a very rich theological and spiritual tradition elaborated from the oriental mentality and environment.


Iglesias sirias, liturgia, misterio, sacramentos, sacramentalesSyrian churches, liturgy, mystery, sacraments, sacramentals

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How to Cite
Fernández-Rodríguez, J. M. (2020). The Sacramental Praxis of the Syrian Churches of Syro-Occidental Tradition. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.