Published Aug 25, 2020


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Vicente Chong



This study suggests that art can help in the process of salvation in its historical dimension. To sustain this argument, it starts by defining the field and the importance of theological aesthetics. After that, the author makes a transcendental analysis of aesthetic experience, based on the work of the Ecuadorian artist Eduardo Kingman. Then, this transcendental experience through art is interpreted in terms of liberation in order to propose that art is a praxis that can help in the process of liberation of those who are poor and excluded from society. Theologically speaking, the author suggests, it is God who works in the process of liberation through art.


Karl Rahner, experiencia trascendental, Hans Urs von Balthasar, teología de la liberación, estética, belleza, arte, Eduardo KingmanKarl Rahner, Transcendental Experience, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Liberation Theology, Aesthetics, Beauty, Art, Eduardo Kingman

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How to Cite
Chong, V. (2020). Theology and Liberation in Eduardo Kingman’s Art. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.

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