Published Mar 23, 2022


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Amparo Novoa Palacios

Johann Pirela Morillo



The overcoming of excessive dogmatic reductionism and the rescue of Mary of Nazareth as an unavoidable subject in the construction of the history of salvation is the premise that guides the writing exercise that is revealed in this text, proposing views that distance themselves from the criteria of theological rationality that has predominated in the analysis of his role as an essential actor, around which fundamental narratives are structured to understand the active participation of women in the context of the sacred writings.
In response to this, a proposal for polyphonic analysis was used that considers the complex and dynamic dimensions of Mary as a woman, mother and life paradigm. To try to solve these gaps, the contributions of feminist theology were considered, which allowed to degrade from the discourses that only see her as a mother and silent subject that fades into opacity due to hegemonic analysis. In this way, Mary was positioned as a historical woman in whom the references of representation of her role as a leader converge who forged not only a family ethos, but also the figure of Jesus, with an experience of God rooted in the meaning of life. That invites us to transcend the mother paradigm from the biological function and thus broaden the perspective towards what gives meaning to it after conception.
For this purpose, a framework of ethics of equality is proposed that assumes the idea of balance of power, reciprocal equality. What constitutes a value that appeals to the recognition of the other in their power, that is, equality of power as equipotence, for whose explanation it is necessary to understand that subjects and citizens are equal and each share their role as actors that help to configure societies and collectivities


Mary de Nazareth, Feminist theology, Ethical-political subjects, Ethics of equality, Balance of power, Reciprocal equalityMaría de Nazaret, teología feminista, sujetos ético-políticos, ética de la igualdad, equilibrio de poder, igualdad recíproca

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How to Cite
Novoa Palacios, A. ., & Pirela Morillo, J. . (2022). Mary of Nazareth: Reflections from the Feminist Theology. Theologica Xaveriana, 72.