Published Nov 30, 2010


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Jesús Antonio León Castañeda



The theological reception to the communication action paradigm has to be with Theology making use of some core ideas from the social theory of communicative action which, being linguistically mediated, contributes to the implementation of the theological work in regards to historical and technological events. It is intended that Theology, by means of an hermeneutical-linguistic process, might be able to interpret and understand the transition from the philosophy of conscience to the pragmatic theory of language and that this situation might allow the theologian to reflect about the reciprocity between theology and this communicative theory: how does Theology receives it, and also how can Theology be influential to the social theory of communicative action. Therefore, it is intended then the generation of a pragmatic language which might open the path to new ways of interaction and inter-subjectivity.


Theology, communicative action, modernity, lifeworld, languageTeología, acción comunicativa, modernidad, mundo de la vida, lenguaje

How to Cite
León Castañeda, J. A. (2010). Interaction between theology and communicative action. Theologica Xaveriana, 60(170).