Published Nov 30, 2009

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César Carbullanca N



This paper proposes a link between the eschatological interpretation and Mark’s christology, and defends the idea that the messianic interpretation is founded on the ignorance principle. We find this in apocalyptic groups of the II to I centuries B.C. and specifically in the Qumran literature. With this idea in mind, the relation existing between the eschatological reading of these apocalyptic Jewish groups, such as Qumran, and the Gospel of Mark will be discussed. In particular, from the proposed perspective, aspects will be shown that explain the motif of the incomprehension of the disciples. This relation is established diachronically, with texts of the Enochic traditions and the Qumran literature, as much as synchronically, with texts of Mark’s Gospel. It will be shown that this principle was known and used by the evangelist in order to compose and work out his Gospel.


Ignorance principle, eschatology, Qumran, apocalyp-ticism, Gospel of MarkPrincipio de ignorancia, escatología, Qumrán, apocalíptica, Marcos

How to Cite
Carbullanca N, C. (2009). Ignorance in the gospel of mark. An approach from the qumran literature to the parable theory. Theologica Xaveriana, 59(168). Retrieved from