Published Nov 30, 2009

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Gerardo Daniel Ramos, SCJ



With the interdisciplinary theory of L. Rulla as a starting point, the author describes a psycho-spiritual itinerary in which a special attention is accorded to the symbolic images of the believing person. He concentrates on two extreme modalities that are at the origin of opposed ethic-spiritual attitudes: the “idolatric” and the “iconic”. In this respect, he shows how each life stage (youth, adulthood, maturity), begun and closed by a characteristic psycho-spiritual crisis, poses for a Christian challenges associated with the symbolization mode. Because of its relevance, he dwells on the midlife crisis, called to end in a paschal iconic experience.


Idol, icon, psychology, spirituality, symbolizationÍdolo, icono, psicología, espiritualidad, simbolización

How to Cite
Ramos, SCJ, G. D. (2009). The transformation of symbolic images. Theologica Xaveriana, 59(168). Retrieved from