Published Jul 5, 2009

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Melina Escorcia Guerrero



The accelerated process of secularization carries with it an existential loss of interest for belonging to the Church, which prompts the question for its meaning and value as salvation community in the present world. In this respect Bernard Lonergan’s methodic proposal is pertinent for the anthropological and theological articulation of this problem, as it integrates the mutual relationship between religion and culture. In this paper, through the identification of anthropological-theological sources and categories, the author shows the path toward an appropiation of the redemptive meaning and value of the Church in the world.


Categories, meaning-value, development, redemption, conversion, ChurchCategorías, significado-valor, desarrollo, redención, conversión, Iglesia

How to Cite
Escorcia Guerrero, M. (2009). Meaning and redemptory value of the church in the world. Theologica Xaveriana, 59(167). Retrieved from